Moving Day: On July 1 Quebec not only celebrated Canada’s 150th birthday, but also another event–Moving Day. Last year, an estimated 200,000 people participated in this annual ritual unique to the province. A Montreal Gazette article and advertisement sponsored by Call2Recycle encouraged those moving to replace and recycle the batteries in their smoke detectors, home alarms and devices. Read about it here.
Quebec ENJEU school battery blitz: In collaboration with Call2Recycle, ENvironnement JEUnesse unveiled the winners of a battery recycling contest among 30 Quebec colleges this past school year. An amazing 4,372 kg (9,639 lbs.) of batteries were collected and $4,500 awarded to the schools with the highest collections.
College Lionel-Groulx was awarded the $2,000 first prize for collecting 1,080 kg (2,381 lbs.) of batteries, followed by Cégep of Thetford, which received $1,500 for collecting 668 kg (1,473 lbs.) and College Montmorency which was given $1,000 for 600 kg (1,323 lbs.) in collections. The awards will be used to support environmental activities.
“This contest demonstrates the commitment of younger generations to the environment through the simple gesture of battery recycling. We are encouraged by the participation and will continue with students as ambassadors again next year,” said Line Bérubé, East Canada director, Call2Recycle Canada.