Our Commitment to Battery Safety
At Call2Recycle, safety is embedded in everything we do. We’re committed to accelerating the circular economy through responsible end-of-life management for household, e-mobility, and EV batteries. This involves close collaboration with our partners – including members, associations, industry, government and collectors – to reduce safety risks throughout the entire battery lifecycle.
Review the resources below to learn how to collect batteries and prepare them for shipment.
Use our battery safety toolkits to keep employees safe educate the public on how to Protect What Matters. Be Battery Safe.
Together, we can elevate battery safety and prevent battery-related incidents.

Safety Training
Essential training for all collection partners. Learn about what batteries are accepted in the program, how to protect terminals, what containers are acceptable and what mistakes to avoid in preparing batteries for shipping.

Collections & Shipping
Learn how to assemble boxes for display, how to prepare batteries for safe shipment and how to order new collection materials.

Damaged, Defective & Recalled Batteries
Damaged lithium-ion batteries require special handling. Find out what to do with your damaged, defective or recalled batteries and how to obtain DDR kits.

Battery Safety Campaign Toolkits
Designed to meet the needs of collection partners, municipalities and fire services leaders.
Use these tools and resources to train employees on the safe handling of batteries and to promote battery safety in your community.

Charge up your recycling safety by reading common safety questions and visiting links to other safety resources.